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  All objects radiate heat, or infrared “light”, that can be seen by thermal cameras even in the absence of visible light. For years this technology has been too expensive and too complex for consumers to use.

  The team at Seek Thermal solved this long outstanding problem with a new and affordable thermal sensor.When connected to the Seek Thermal Android camera (sold separately) your smartphone becomes a thermal imaging device with the ability to see what the human eye can‘t.。

  .HEAT.You can identify weak spots in your insulation or around doors and windows, see if your electronics are overheating even when you aren’t using them, check the temperature of liquids, find your pets in the dark, avoid animals you can‘t see, and much much more.To learn more, or to purchase your own Seek Thermal camera, visit www.thermal.comPlease note: A Seek Thermal camera is required for this app to capture thermal images. You WILL NOT be able to see thermal images using your device’s native camera.
